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Friday, November 11, 2011


Most every morning, we follow the same routine. I get the kids up and ready for school. I drop Shiloh off first and then Joey. I usually then head straight over to the gym to workout. I love this time. Its MY time. I don't have screaming children in my ears and I'm doing something that makes me feel good. Anyways, I digress...

Here I go - my fat hiney up on the elliptical. And folks, this is not a pretty sight...but my butt huffs and puffs and I somehow make it through the entire workout - the grace of God, no doubt. While I'm sucking wind, I usually try to distract myself from the burning in my legs and the seeming lack of oxygen in my lungs. This helps pass the time. But one can only watch so many re-runs of Law and Order before the tv is out. Music is good and that is usually my go to. But I often find myself staring out the window and daydreaming. If daydreaming were an olympic sport, I'd make America proud :D So imagine my level of annoyance when something so rudely interrupted me. Enter little red - a male cardinal that hangs out outside Aerofit. Every morning, its the same thing. I don't know if he's seeing his reflection in the glass and fighting with himself, or if he's trying to get in the building. But every morning, little red flies and crashes into the window. Every 3-4 seconds, this bird smacks his face in the window. Over and over and over again. Every day, this poor, stupid bird tries and tries and tries to get inside the glass, and every morning he smacks his face, over and over again.

It makes me laugh at first, thinking how dumb this bird is. But then it makes me sad. He keeps doing the same thing, over and over again, and never gets different results. So I started thinking, what actions do I do over and over again but expect different results?? What patterns of sin do I continue in, and expect different results?? Hmmm, suddenly, I'm looking a lot like that stupid red bird. That's where I'm at. Assessing where I'm at, what needs to change, and how to implement that change. Where are you?

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